I am working on a book for NaNoWriMo this year. It is not part of the Life In After World series.
I have had an idea of a book around for a long time now, and a little while back I was brainstorming while driving and was trying to think of who the main character was. I had the idea of the world, the story, and how it would go. But I had not really made any characters for it yet.
Along comes this girl Sam. (In my head. She is a character that just showed up. That happens in my head, that's why i am a writer.) She volunteers to be the main character. She tells me her backstory, what she wants to accomplish, and a lot of who she is. She is completely different that anything I imagined for the book and she fits perfectly.
Then she starts telling me other stuff, spoiler stuff. Stuff only the author should know so I am not posting it here. And my entire story line changed just like that. What I had been imagining in my brain for the whole story line became a sub plot in a much broader, in depth, and emotional journey. She has a hard life and needs to tell someone about it.
The name of the story is Sam and the Fae Cat. Read into that title what you want and speculate.